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Boards Archived 5th September 2024 The Previous Archive is located by Clicking Here

Boards Archived 5th September 2024 The Previous Archive is located by Clicking Here
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Our Premium 3 TB archives cover all the sluts posted since 2010 to 2025 you will not be disappointed
that is a lot of sluts exposing it all check out if she was once a slut or still a slut? 😉




Our Premium 3 TB archives cover all the sluts posted since 2010 to 2025 you will not be disappointed
that is a lot of sluts exposing it all check out if she was once a slut or still a slut? 😉


/wv/ - Buckhannon Girls

/wv/ - West Virginia

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 No.823[Last 50 Posts]

Buckhannon Girls


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Any Kayla Tenney wins


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Anymore Tiff Polk???


Any of tamika carpenter or Keisha friend? Maybe Allison brafford?


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Anyone got any of Hailey Hinchmen or Alisha Carpenter/Brown


Andra Rowan?


Any Brit-tany PY,Les or KenZie Wolv-erton??


Any sandy tucker


Post crystal everett I know there's some because she's taken some before


Any kari frye?


Any K@ri Frye?


Gotta be some wins of Ma-gen Burk/hammer or Em-ily Gre/en??


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More of Tiffany polk


Anyone got any of Hailey Hinchmen if so will post my **** to my MEGA file


Any of kee$h@ c


I’ve got one Keesha C if anyone has Ken-zieWol-verton or Hann/a Ha-rris


B@rbi@pullen ea$iest h@e around


Fr33dom h or k@ri$$@ h@rp3r?


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Here’s Kee-sha C let’s see some Britt-any Py-les


Any wins of Kylie mes-senger??


Bump for all the Upshur hoes


Any wins of Chel-cia Sim-ons, Hann/ah Har/ris, Bro-okie Tenn/ey or BrittAny PlyLes


Angel heck man


Anyone got $earria $chriner? Also goes by clay pool


Any K@yleigh P@ulhamus???


Someone post Hollie Lane


Who's the girl in the second picture & what is she digging out of her Cooch?


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Have more britt@ny pyle for more keesh@ C


Any Frankie??


Tiffany L@andis? Trish Johnson? Adilyn Simpson?


Let's see b a r b I a w a r e


Alexis for tamika carpenter or allison brafford


Would love some Tamika


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Is this dead?


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Mic4e11e 10e


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Oryah Wagner fat ass. Who's the girl in black n white?


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Crystal Tenney's huge tits. Who the black n white pic of?


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Dr3w watson


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Destiny Akers. Whos the girl in the black n white pic?


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Destiny Akers on Reddit..what's her slutfans?


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Destiny Akers


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Destiny again. What's the Reddit?


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B. Myers. Anymore Amanda F?


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C and person plus lots I don’t know


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**** Jade Myers for Destiny Akers


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Linds3y J@ne? They must be around


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Anyone have the MA version


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Brandy Ball


People stop being fucking assholes and post what you got i know there are some out there that people on here have


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Anyone have Hailey burr


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Any Tasha Perrine


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Have a couple Klo3, with @bby from an older set


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Found another Brand1


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And another Sh33na


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Sheena R is a good fuck. Got in her guts plenty b4. Heres more Amanda F.


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Here’s ore Amanda F, share more of her she was a good fuck


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Last I got of Amanda F. Who got more?


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Brianna M.


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Yeah Brianna would fuck ne1


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Anyone got more of Kloe?


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I couldn’t figure out how to attach multiples on that last one lol. But this is all I got would love to see more.


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Who got the destiny Akers Reddit?


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****ney R053
Anyone got any ****n P1k3


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F. Riffle phat ass n tits. NE more Brianna?


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Amy H. easy to lay?


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More Drew keep it going


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Buckhannon slut


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Rock Cave slut


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Buckhannon slut


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L3@h st@n4us


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B tenney, got plenty of all kinds of ppl need some good wins guys


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My new favorite teacher


What’s Akers slutfans?


Tamika carpenter? Allison brafford? Alexis claus?


Anyone got jada Kelly?


Any Donna Snid3r


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Let’s get more B Tenney


Have some b Tenney but yall ain’t posting


I have the usual 5 or 6 around if her but want new stuff


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I have a ton I can share to but no one wants to share


If anyone has chels demos or madi Lewiz I’ll post all the brookie I have


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Got chelc andersun if that ****s get any


Just fucking post and quit being faggots and hoarding


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Every knows this slut, share what you got guys


K. Curry??


J gregory?


Anyone got Tamik@ c@rpenter????


@ly McGee??


Makayla Edward’s


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As you request m edwards


Tamika carpenter, allison brafford, or alexis claus would be nice


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Where is T Landis boys? My buddy swears someone said she had an OF but neither of us can find the name, someone has to have them perfect tits


Your the man for Makayla you have any more?


I have a few T landis, but nobody is posting so I ain’t either. Cry about it


Someone literally just posted makayla you stupid loser cuck so post retard


I personally don’t believe any T Landis exists I feels like I’ve been trying forever


File: 1731335395234.png (5.01 MB, 1320x2868, IMG_7744.png) ImgOps Google

They definitely exist


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Who has more of this slut?


says they exist then doesnt post them lol


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B Bevans


We need alexis claus, tamika carpenter, allison brafford, or crystal everett


We need Emily gr33n


Or emily sinclair


t landis would b cool


T landis didn’t get posted fully cause yall are posting bottom of the barrel bitches expecting to see her lol I don’t blame the guy for not sharing that goddess either


dude didn’t post because he doesn’t have it. We’re all here for the same reason just post what you have


Agreed stop being loser cucks and lying if you ain't gonna post simple as that


we’re all here for the same reason if you have it post it simple stop holding stuff because no one is posting someone you want to see it’s dumb


Why is it just this thread? No other threads do this bullshit


Dude did it to himself, someone just asked for the girl. Guess he thought lying about having them on the internet to a stranger made him the bigger man😂


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K.T. & C.B.


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Group bomb


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Dew dew sucky suck


all that and still no t landis. smh


Cause he was a lying cuck loser lol


Damn Drew really a hoe


Def I have a good bit from her and she has a Slut page


Who is this?




Post more drew!


Look at that, still no T Landis. Wish we had to make **** so they could block cuckboy for lying.


Wish I could post video of her bobbing on it


What’s the snap so you can send it


File: 1731536487998.png (2.16 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_7012.png) ImgOps Google

More drew


Any Emily gr33n?


Linds@y Bev3r?


I see the guy “with” T Landis still hasn’t showed up. Clown


Post more dew or drop the snap to see them all


Kieara Bryant?


Gonna go ahead and bump this to the top again…


Someone post something good some t landis or b tenney would be lit


Anyone have anything from drews OF? Shes been posting a ton!


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Tamika carpenter?????


Taylor Collin’s


@mber b3nnett nudes? Works at af wendlings


Seriously no one has Linds@y Henth0rne or her sister M0rg@n?


Where’s the lying cuck who has Landis? Been days bro what’s the wait


Jolie Vanderhoff?


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Yall better post something good now


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Tori H


More tori h?


Anyone have Cassie Tenney/murphy?



that’s it you acted like you had an album full and all you have is a badly cropped photo clown


that’s it you acted like you had an album full and all you have is a badly cropped photo clown


Ally Lampinen?


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Not sure of her name, but I witnessed her willingly get passed around by 5 or 6 Wesleyan Basketball players.


boys we need a nap shes a baddie


NE Amy Rice?


Still waiting on more Tori h have Tori S in ****


Bullshit you don't have tori s!


Still waiting on Landis cuckboy clown


The cuck didn't have them OK let it go we get he is a loser


Anyone got Vanessa chewning


Need some Jalisa Tenny or Brooke Tenney


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i have 5 or 6 of B.T. if someone has T.Landis


Apparently no one has t.landis i donyl't even know the bitch or even seen her before but she can't be that good if nobody has her nudes lol so you might as well stop asking for them


Any k ledezma


You don’t have BT stop lying


bro said Landis can’t be that good shes walking perfection


File: 1732239038827.jpeg (37.69 KB, 715x253, IMG_3872.jpeg) ImgOps Google

Yep, I’m lying so hard. Have a full **** of WV


Then post some and prove it. That picture proves nothing


lol clown ill keep them to myself with attitude like that message her and get them yourself


No one has her or is posting her so obviously she ain't that good lol short and simple


And just like that this thread is done for cause little cucks are still trying to barter and **** instead of just fucking posting pathetic


Anyone have j gregory? Works at one main.


Anyone have any of Chloe B?


Tori smith?


Siarra Haddix?


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G r a c e s n i d e r 👆


Any pics of Jessica Gould from phillipi works for shop n save in different areas


This shit died


Any skye hall


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Someone has to have these sisters!!!


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Tess Bayerle I know they are out there


Taylor Collin’s, kiera Bryant , Keysta heater


Who got the Destiny Akers Reddit?


Any one got hay burr


Any Skye Farrar?


Anyone have 0rgy at Lewis ems with Gl0r!@ B? Will **** Sh3rry T from Lewis


post in Lewis. S.Teeney is already posted in it


How about everyone just shut the fuck up unless you're posting pics!!!


back to the top


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Here what I got of B.T. For some wins of Kyl-ie M3ss3ng3r. Also throw in some Lind-sey Will_aims for K.M. Wins if posted


Any Sarah Gompers?


Kandi Br4dy ?


Charity A*ey?


H4ley Burrrr


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Allie Frye!!! Come on someone be a hero!!


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Nikki who


Taylor loftin anyone?
Hannah ward?
Hailey farnsworth
Jessica vaughn?


#4295 not sure her last name. She has a fetlife profile and it's nik****aslut on there


Nikki da slut*


Awesome thanks pretty sure it's nikki young


Any Tasha Perrine I know there out there


Anyone got t@mra N0tt1ngham?


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How about Logan Gregory??


Kristin Simons Reger


Vanessa Chewning


Amanda Buthet


Kristin Simons


Heather Burr Naked


Emileigh Ryan 🙏


Tiffany Rawe?


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Ava Lantz??


What happened to kee-sha c anyone got any other wins of her


I know Sonya Fl1nt (w00dy) has sent them, or so I’ve been told. She has spread it for a camera before. And she’s married lol she should be exsposed


Shout out to the kings who’ve posted these sluts


What happened to people just shutting the fuck up and posting?


Keep it up. Love it


Who still loves to fuck? Anyone know who loves a big thick cock?


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I've heard if you have a big dick n!kki will fetlife is nik****aslut1



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Who is that? ^^^?


Dude I know Sonia has nice tits


What is her OF


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Any Tasha Perrine


Who's the last girl? Great tits have anymore


Any more Emily Green? I have tiff


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Any daisy hall


How do ya find these sluts on Reddit?


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Any Riley Vincent??


Any Savannah Thompson?


Lizz1e e4gle? Anyone?


Bump for Logan Gr3gory


Bump for T Landis!


Jessica Everson or Chrissy Marple?


Does anyone have kandinyce Brady?


L3xie H34th3rly?


G@b epp wins


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T!ff Sn!d3r


Any Kansas l3de2ma


Anyone got Andra Rowan they use to be floating around she’s a major whore.


Looking for ****n pike and Tori smallridge, they’re both ho3’s so I know they’re out there


Got Emily green for more tiff


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Here’s some Emily for more tiff


Cheyenne ****key for more tiff


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Last name?


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Tiff for more Emily


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Who got more of Brianna Moreland and Crystal Tenney?


Tori smallridge for sure


Any Orry@h W@gn3r or Li77y M3idLin3r


Keshia kelly


Someone post up the Destiny Akers Reddit


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Don't let this thread die


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Can we get some Kylie Mes- sen-ger for more tif snider and Kesha k


Let’s keep this going!


We gotta get this going again. We used to one of the best threads on here. Come on guys.


Samantha Wilmoth


Someone post something good for Christmas


Taylor Darnell?


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Destinee F@rrar


Sky3 Farrar anyone


Skye F had a slut fans but I think it's down. Got 2 b sum of her out there to see.


This thread is just as fucking pathetic as the other one


****a Gregory?


Mich4el4 Gregory


More of the Perrine girls


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S@rah zirkl3
Hil@ry @lbright
Samantha weaver


And some Tasha Perrine plz


Anyone got any one to ****


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This was Skye F slutfans. It's down now. Any more out there?


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Who the fuck is K.C.?


Where's all the whores that live here? I know there are plenty it's mother fucking upshur county


Alicia Cutright anybody?


Anyone got Bri R? That bitch is a dream, but won’t send any 🤤


Who is Bri R? Full name?


Alexa Davis?


Briahna Rorbugh or however you spell it


Anymore destiny akers?


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Anyone have Autum Lyons?


Caroline fluke? Or Maggie Nolte…? Getting brave here.. those would be great.


Sonja flit or woody if she considers that.. heard she fucked a guy so I’m sure there is some nudes of some sort out there


Do you have a name..? First or last


More of Sheena H or Amy H?


Jada Kelley or her sisters Carley champ Sydney or Shelby winans Hannah loudin or Zoe loudin or some dia Harris I’ve got some more Emily green and Gina Tenney for any of those


Savannah reed would be cool or Brinkley or Katlynn ware or Katlynn lantz


Who got Amy Rice big tits?


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Let’s keep the bette****pshur thread up.


I got Dia ass pics but that’s it, post yours I’ll post mine


Anyone have Maddi mc cartney just wanting to see if I’d sub to her slootfan


Where are the vids or anymore of these??


Do you have a name?


Anyone know who the hot tall trans girl is in buckhannon? Seen her at Walmart yesterday. She's like 6' 5".


Anyone know what strip club irelynn works at?


Stripper stage name Lilly works at Cox’s in C-burg, anyone have her??


Cassie arey or makala Phillips I know those sluts have some shit


Nevaeh friend or Izzy Davis or makya Jackson


Anybody that has worked at the bowling alley in Buckhannon ?


Autumn Hatfield would be nice


I keep seeing names but no pics. You all know the rules


Does Crystal Tenney fuck around on her man? Ne1 ever hit it?


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DeepFake Sasha


April Tenney I know she got some tit pics floating around somewhere


Lets get some more Amanda Flesher posted. Shes a great tight fuck.


Yeah she is fun. Pretty open too kinky as hell.


Any lona crowl I'll pay


Any Jacki Leichliter out there? I hear she can suck a dick like a pro.


Charity Mayle?


Who is this?


Who is that


Anymore of Brianna Casto/Moreland? Shes been a hoe for a long time.

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